[Vtigercrm-developers] How to sync local SQLite database in mobile and Server side Vtiger mysql database

Ola Sikström ola.sikstrom at creativetools.se
Tue Jul 24 13:20:04 PDT 2012

The sync-function only reports entities owned by the current user. I
think the best bet is to make a custom sync function, based on the
query function, and filter by modification date like Adam wrote.

I have already investigated this a bit, since I have similar plans
(i.e. syncing data with other applications).

2012/7/24 Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>:
> On 24/07/12 05:40, ram prasad wrote:
>> Please provide suggestions to start sync local database in mobile with
>> the Vtiger mysql database.
> How about using the sync function in the webservices API?
> https://wiki.vtiger.com/index.php/Webservices_tutorials#Sync
> Al
> --
> Libertus Solutions
> http://www.libertus.co.uk
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Ola Sikström
Creative Tools AB

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