[Vtigercrm-developers] Comments displayed in List View

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Thu Jul 19 08:27:20 PDT 2012

I've now been asked by two different customers for the ability to 
display modComments data in listviews of things like Leads and Contacts.

This is not a trivial mod I think; comments may be long and there is 
likely to be multiple records.

Perhaps showing the last 3 (or so) most recent comments in a new kind of 
"widget" in the listview template would work? It would mean the 
individual row heights in the list would need to be able to 
expand/contract but that isn't a big issue in itself.

With the redesign of the UI for vtiger 6 would this be something the 
devs could consider?



Libertus Solutions

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