[Vtigercrm-developers] REST

Bobo Wieland bobo at prisjakt.nu
Fri Jan 13 01:34:32 PST 2012

Coming back to this issue. Just ignored it for a while.

Trying to set assigned_to for a potential to "20x1756" (which is a valid 
group that many potentials is assigned to in our vtiger system) still 
gives me the error message:

"Cannot assign record to the given user (ACCESS_DENIED)"

I do this using the REST Web Services using "update"

praneeth K skrev 2011-10-28 12:51:
> Hi ,
>   Generally group id will be in the format of '20x/groupId/'. I hope 
> you are passing id to the REST api in the same format.
> On Fri, Oct 28, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Bobo Wieland <bobo at prisjakt.nu 
> <mailto:bobo at prisjakt.nu>> wrote:
>     Using the REST-api, is it possible to set "assigned_to" for a
>     Potential
>     to a Group? I get an ACCESS_DENIED when I try even though it works
>     perfectly to set it to a group using the standard webinterface.
>     best regards
>     Bobo Wieland - bobo at prisjakt.nu <mailto:bobo at prisjakt.nu>
>     _______________________________________________
>     http://www.vtiger.com/
> -- 
> Best Regards,
> K Praneeth,
> vtiger Team.
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/Med vänliga hälsningar
Bobo - bobo at prisjakt.nu/
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