[Vtigercrm-developers] Fwd: Announcing Thunderbird Extended Support Release

Holbok István holbok at gmail.com
Thu Jan 12 11:34:40 PST 2012

Dear Alan,

Thanks for the info.

If need any assistance for the Hungarian language pack please let me know.


Holbok István
telefon: +3670-342-0900
e-mail: holbok at gmail.com <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>

2012.01.12. 20:23 keltezéssel, Alan Lord (News) írta:
> On 12/01/12 17:07, John Crisp wrote:
>> For those of you not on the list.....
>> Some sanity returns to the world :-)
> Hooorah!
> I saw the Firefox announcement this morning.That's great news that the
> TB team are doing the same.
> Although this means I'm probably going to need to maintain 2 TB
> extension branches... 1 for ESR and 1 for the fast release cycle
> At least with the ESR there might be some time to try and fix a few bugs
> or add some new features.
> Cheers
> Al
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