[Vtigercrm-developers] Daft Question on Account popup search [SOLVED]

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Dec 4 11:36:35 PST 2012

On 04/12/12 19:18, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
> I can't work out why this isn't working...
> My customer wants a couple more fields on the Account popup (from a UI
> type 10) so that he can better choose which account to select.
> Anyone got any ideas?

Oh my word!

I started looking around and guess what! the field values are hardcoded 
in ListViewUtils.php!

If I add the fields to the getListQuery() function for Accounts (around 
line 2283), then the popup gets populated. Ewww. Messy, messy.


Seems as though we can do it that way but it's just creating more and 
more core hacks.

Can I suggest for vtiger version 7, we put our heads together and try 
and clean up the framework, so all this "non-standard" hard-coded stuff 
can be dumped?



Libertus Solutions

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