[Vtigercrm-developers] expressing my worries about not being able to see new vtiger code

Prasad prasad at vtiger.com
Fri Aug 24 11:17:12 PDT 2012

I wanted to clarify the perception difference that is being discussed on
this thread. Please don't read me wrong - I'm certainly young compared to
your expertise.

* Ondemand dev-team set the goals (every month) and focus
more on working on issues / features that can be rolled in the target cycle.

* Opensource dev-team set the goals in longer cycles as they collobrate
with Ondemand team changes + support customers bug-fixes +
community contributions + customizations + extensions.

Opensource product features match the Ondemand except they are few
customization enabled for adapting the our billing system and service is
enabled with round-the-clock support & IT team.

The practise of maintaing staging repository (instead of "hidden branch")
has been their ever before ondemand started, the primary purpose was to
eliminate the fear from young developers while committing the untested /
validated code (and avoid loosing the changes!). The reviewed / validated
code will be pushed to trac.vtiger.com branches which need additional time.

vtiger6 development has been challenging with the agenda to
get the earlier version with least disruption to existing backend API
but yet enabled flexibity to provide adaptable UI (front end).

This had certainly raised the bars on dev-team who took few hard-bytes
refactoring the code very often and now settled with the better model.

Translation design / Module packages were the concepts that was
discussed few weeks back and is in process of implementation.

Which was the major reason to postpone commit to trac.vtiger.com branch.

I appreciate your collaboration and look forward for greater assistance.

vtiger Team

On Friday, August 24, 2012, Joe Bordes <joe at tsolucio.com> wrote:
> I couldn't have said it better :-)
> Thanks
> On 24/08/12 14:51, Adam Heinz wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Stefan Warnat <ich at stefanwarnat.de>
>>> I think that it's no problem to wait, because vtiger is Open Source!
>>> not like commercial Software, you have pay for the functions.
>>> Nobody should expect any changes and be thankfull for every update you
>>> become for FREE.
>> I don't think waiting is the problem.  Joe's complaint reads to me
>> like, "Hey guys, why won't you let me help you sooner (by contributing
>> code and translations)!"
>> So long as primary development is done in a hidden branch, community
>> contribution will always lag several months behind.  My theory is that
>> they are trying to add value to their On Demand offering by delaying
>> features into trunk, which is unfortunate for the development
>> community.  I personally believe that that the contributions of
>> community developers already exceed that value.  Even if vtiger
>> doesn't want to open up the On Demand branch to the world, at least
>> give your translators and long-time community developers early access!
>>   Joe has been a member of the community since 2006!
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