[Vtigercrm-developers] webservices & related lists

Alan Lord alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 06:31:16 PDT 2012


we have come up against a little snag and am wondering if anyone else 
has fixed or considered this before?

(We can fix it with some external functions to write directly to the db 
but this would obviously be better if it was supported directly by the 
WS API I think).

We have two new vtlib modules. They have a two-way n:n relationship. 
That is they both have a setRelatedList() call to each other and may 
have multiple relationships between each other.

As a consequence the modules' tables do not have any entityid related 
fields and instead rely on the crmentityrel table to build the 

Creating the relationships manually from the vtiger "Select or ADD" 
related lists functions works fine.

But there is no way through the WS API to write these relationships...

Has anyone written a WS function to handle something similar?



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