[Vtigercrm-developers] saving related information via web service

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Aug 8 23:47:22 PDT 2012

On 08/08/12 22:48, Joe Bordes wrote:
> Alan asked something about this a few weeks ago.
> My recommendation: create a method to do what you need for your business
> problem now and wait to see what happens in the next version, which, if
> I remember correctly is what Alan ended up doing.

Joe you are right. We had a shedload of data in Saleforce csv exports. 
The easiest way for us to get calendar related data into vtiger was via 
the webservices api.

I got my calendar data into a json format (using Talend to transform and 
grab the correct entity ids as it created the calendar data):

{"contact_id":"12x24374","description":"Additional To: 
a.karmif-smith@****uk CC:  BCC: info@****.com Attachment:   Subject: Re: 
Change of address Body: Dear Ms. Karmif,  Many thanks for your message. 
We have updated our records with your new email address. Please let us 
know if you have any further queries and we'll be happy to help! 
Best regards,  ****Customer Services Team","subject":"Email: Re: Change 
of address","date_start":"2009-02-24","createdtime":"2009-02-24 

and used the python wsclient library to create a simple script to write 
the data in.

The related modules were "standard" so I can't comment on 
making/breaking the links to custom modules but if you enable the 
webservices api when you create your vtlib module all its fields should 
be exposed correctly afaict.



Libertus Solutions

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