[Vtigercrm-developers] a Little doubt to begin make new module

Adrián Granado - Refineria Web adrian at refineriaweb.com
Wed Aug 1 06:33:00 PDT 2012

You can use vtmodcreator from vtiger forge, I use this and its very
functional =)


De: vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com
[mailto:vtigercrm-developers-bounces at lists.vtigercrm.com] En nombre de Juan
Pablo Botero
Enviado el: miércoles, 01 de agosto de 2012 10:12
Para: vtigercrm-developers at lists.vtigercrm.com
Asunto: [Vtigercrm-developers] a Little doubt to begin make new module


Hi all.

I'm in the very beginning to make a new module in VTigercrm 5.4.0, reading
in internet and documentation i go two ways:

- Edit the module  vtlib/ModuleDir/5.4.0 and replace filenames, var names
and so on.
- using vtlib as a library in a script: 

What is the recommended way to proceed? 

Juan Pablo Botero
Administrador de Sistemas informáticos
Fedora Ambassador for Colombia



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