[Vtigercrm-developers] product options

Adam Heinz amh at metricwise.net
Mon Apr 30 14:24:38 PDT 2012

I'm making good progress on a prototype that allows rows in a related
module to be edited as part of the normal edit view.  I have created
new RelatedEditView.tpl and RelatedEditViewUI.tpl (inspired by /
cribbed from ProductDetailsEditView.tpl and EditViewUI.tpl
respectively) to allow me to have the following module hierarchy: an
order has a number of parts, each part is a product + additional
attributes.  This new parts module takes the place of

So far, so good.  The first wrinkle that I've encountered is
permissioning.  I'd  like to avoid having to propagate order ownership
to parts all the time, so I'm looking at doing something like "all
parts are owned by admin, but shared to the owner of the order".  I
believe that logic surrounds vtiger_datashare_relatedmodules, but I
don't see any existing code (other than the default data populator)
that inserts into that table.  I'm still running 5.2.1, is related
sharing something that I can rely on in the future?

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