[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger CRM Thunderbird Extension version 0.505 released

John Crisp john at reetspetit.net
Fri Oct 7 04:08:12 PDT 2011

On 07/10/11 10:21, Alan Lord (News) wrote:
> On 06/10/11 20:52, John Crisp wrote:
>> On another tack entirely....
>> Is there any chance that the module can include Vendors/POs (possibly
>> even Invoices/SOs ?) as well ?
> Hi John,
>> We have Order Acknowledgements from Suppliers that we would dearly love
>> to add to the P.O. but the only way to do it currently is to save the
>> document and then add it manually which is a right royal PITA !!!
> My first suggestion is to stick a new feature request on the forge 
> project 
> (http://forge.vtiger.com/tracker/?atid=966&group_id=237&func=browse) 
> with as much detail as possible in terms of what you actually want the 
> user to be able to do and what the outcome should be.
> I'd need to check the API to make sure we can get to the data we need 
> but it I think that should be doable in theory at least.

Hi ALan,

Thanks for the reply.


Something I have just realised (doh !!!!) is that in vTiger you can't
attach an email to Quotes/SO/Invoices/PO. However, you can attach documents.

SO, back to the drawing board from that point of view. I will file a NFR
/ bug report on vTiger itself for this.

It would still be handy to add them to Vendors, though it isn't a good
solution. In addition, as there are no separate contacts for Vendors
(WHY???????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) we have some custom fields for
contacts/email addresses. Frequently we do not use the vendors main
address (e.g. info at vendor.com) so not sure how much of a problem it
would be - I guess you could just pull a list of the Vendors and attach

>> I'm quite happy to try and get involved with anything if need be, though
>> I'm no coder unfortunately. We may be able to fund some development if
>> need be ??
> I'm just about to start doing the testing for TB8 which is now in Beta 
> and will be released on 8th Nov.
> There are a few pressing features that I would dearly love to add, but 
> we are just too busy with paid work to get much done other than keeping 
> up with the 6 week cycle right now.

I can feel your pain. Ridiculous schedule. My Linux is still on 3.1.15
and my Windows users are on 7. Which version will they put in the next
Ubuntu LTS ??? Whatever it is, it will be out of date in weeks and out
of synch with Windows. The world has gone mad.

> Adding documents/attachments is one of the top priorities and it sounds 
> like your requirement is closely related so maybe we can kill 2 birds...

Yup, this would be good too. I had discussed this point with Joe as
well. The other thing I had discussed with him was making say the
Potential the primary source of reference for an order so that you would
then attach all the Quotes, SOs, POs Invoices etc correspondence to the
Potential so you had one point of reference for an order. At the minute,
things are a bit disjointed.

Again, I think this something to be looked at with vTiger itself, but
food for thought.

> Secondly, drop me an email (alan dot lord at theopenlearningcentre dot 
> com) and we can see if we can come to a suitable arrangement. We need to 
> talk timescales, effort and cost I guess.

Will do.

B. Rgds

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