[Vtigercrm-developers] UTF-8 display error on the vtiger 5.2.1 Dashboard diagrams - resolved
Holbok István
holbok at gmail.com
Sat Feb 26 08:47:23 PST 2011
Hi All,
I found a display error on the vtiger 5.2.1. Dashboard. The UTF-8
characters were changed into a rectangular place-holder. I opened a
ticket for this issue: *Ticket #7028* on the track.
The reason of this display error was the internal bug of
*ImageTTFText()* function in \Image\Canvas\GD.php file about the line #1405.
The solution was already developed:
http://hu.php.net/manual/en/function.imagettfbbox.php (post by Nashev)
By adding the function described below to the \Image\Canvas\GD.php file
(to the Image_Canvas_GD Class) the problem is solved.
#UTF8 - Character support on the charts
function foxy_utf8_to_nce( $utf )
if($utf == '')
$max_count = 5; // flag-bits in $max_mark ( 1111 1000 == 5 times 1)
$max_mark = 248; // marker for a (theoretical ;-)) 5-byte-char
and mask for a 4-byte-char;
$html = '';
for($str_pos = 0; $str_pos < strlen($utf); $str_pos++)
$old_chr = $utf{$str_pos};
$old_val = ord( $utf{$str_pos} );
$new_val = 0;
$utf8_marker = 0;
// skip non-utf-8-chars
if( $old_val > 127 )
$mark = $max_mark;
for($byte_ctr = $max_count; $byte_ctr > 2; $byte_ctr--)
// actual byte is utf-8-marker?
if( ( $old_val & $mark ) == ( ($mark << 1) & 255 ) )
$utf8_marker = $byte_ctr - 1;
$mark = ($mark << 1) & 255;
// marker found: collect following bytes
if($utf8_marker > 1 and isset( $utf{$str_pos + 1} ) )
$str_off = 0;
$new_val = $old_val & (127 >> $utf8_marker);
for($byte_ctr = $utf8_marker; $byte_ctr > 1; $byte_ctr--)
// check if following chars are UTF8 additional
data blocks
// UTF8 and ord() > 127
if( (ord($utf{$str_pos + 1}) & 192) == 128 )
$new_val = $new_val << 6;
// no need for Addition, bitwise OR is sufficient
// 63: more UTF8-bytes; 0011 1111
$new_val = $new_val | ( ord( $utf{$str_pos +
$str_off} ) & 63 );
// no UTF8, but ord() > 127
// nevertheless convert first char to NCE
else {
$new_val = $old_val;
// build NCE-Code
$html .= '&#'.$new_val.';';
// Skip additional UTF-8-Bytes
$str_pos = $str_pos + $str_off;
else {
$html .= chr($old_val);
$new_val = $old_val;
Changing the line #1405 - #1414 the problem is solved:
*// $line*
*Image_Canvas_GD::foxy_utf8_to_nce($line)* //for UTF-8 support
Holbok István
telefon: +3670-342-0900
e-mail: holbok at gmail.com <mailto:holbok at gmail.com>
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