[Vtigercrm-developers] PearDatabase.php

Xavier Mones xmm at c3po.es
Wed Feb 9 23:41:37 PST 2011


I felt to have the problem upon installation of vTiger 5.2.1 on a MySql 
5.5.8 server, and although I changed the DatabaseSchema.xml, I was still 
having the "Tables Partially Created" error message, so I decided to 
take a look to the code and I came to find the following code error:

On function createTables of PearDatabase:

     // ADODB newly added methods
     function createTables($schemaFile, $dbHostName=false, 
$userName=false, $userPassword=false, $dbName=false, $dbType=false) {
         $this->println("ADODB createTables ".$schemaFile);
         if($dbHostName!=false) $this->dbHostName=$dbHostName;
         if($userName!=false) $this->userName=$userPassword;
         if($userPassword!=false) $this->userPassword=$userPassword;
         if($dbName!=false) $this->dbName=$dbName;
         if($dbType!=false) $this->dbType=$dbType;

         $db = $this->database;
         $schema = new adoSchema( $db );
         //Debug Adodb XML Schema
*$sehema*->XMLS_DEBUG = TRUE;
         //Debug Adodb
*$sehema*->debug = true;
         $sql = $schema->ParseSchema( $schemaFile );

         $this->println("--------------Starting the table 
         $result = $schema->ExecuteSchema( $sql, 
$this->continueInstallOnError );
         if($result) print $db->errorMsg();
         // needs to return in a decent way
         $this->println("ADODB createTables ".$schemaFile." 
         return $result;

The variable *$schema* is wrongly spelled in two lines, although it does 
not affect the function completion.



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