[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger + LDAP/Active Directory

Alan Lord (Gmail) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Sep 22 08:57:25 PDT 2010

On 22/09/10 10:06, Carlo Beschi wrote:
> I've forwarded your email to one of my colleagues, who recently took
> care of a couple of vtiger LDAP integrations for customers of ours.

Hi Carlo,

Grazzie Mille for the reply :-)

> - your customer is right about the LDAP tree searching thing. Please
> find attached a patch for enabling such feature (we use to submit such
> patches to vtiger trac - not sure we already sent this one in anyway)

Thanks for the Patch. I've forwarded to my customer so he can test it.

> - the idea of making an extension module is fair, but as far as I'm
> aware of, you can't patch vtiger core through a module (which makes
> sense), so ... it's not so easy.

It's a shame we can't overload some of the core classes like the User 
class in a custom module but I can see why this would be potentially not 
a good idea ;-)

Hah - good point. It's a really small chunk of code so I can't imagine 
it would be a huge job to include it in the main vtiger product, but I 
guess if they haven't had many requests then why bother?

It would be interesting to see if this is a seriously needed feature or not.



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