[Vtigercrm-developers] Suggestion for search improvements

Rohit Thakral thakralrohit at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 04:20:07 PDT 2010

Hi Al,

I second your thoughts.


Rohit Thakral

On Thu, Sep 9, 2010 at 8:16 AM, Alan Lord (News) <alanslists at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi all,
> one of our customers asked me about the navigation of a search result
> set yesterday:
> 1. Do a search for a fairly general phrase, e.g. "follow up".
> 2. This produces results across several modules.
> 3. Click on the first item in the result set to open it in the display
> view.
> 4. The next and back navigation buttons do not work so you are unable to
> easily navigate around the results. Going back in browser requires
> resending the search query and is time consuming.
> I suggested that the user open the results in a new tab so at least they
> do not have to continually re-query the database.
> As a suggestion, could the query result perhaps be written to a
> temporary table in the db, or retained by some other means, so that it
> would be possible to use the next and previous buttons based on the set
> of results that have been returned?
> I think this type of usability improvement would be a significant benefit.
> Ideas, Comments, Suggestions?
> Cheers
> Al
> --
> The Open Learning Centre
> http://www.theopenlearningcentre.com
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