[Vtigercrm-developers] Infinite loop in Events

David V. davidv.net at gmail.com
Fri Mar 26 04:41:04 PDT 2010

Hi Everybody !

According to this ticket :

"When you add an aftersave event to an entity and in the
create (and save) another entity, it raises an infinite loop.

This occurs because VTEvenTrigger::trigger
(include/events/VTEventTrigger.inc), execute all handlers registered when
saving an entity. It should execute ONLY handler for current entity"
According to the same ticket the solution is :

"This is something the developer will have to handle in their own code.
There are events that will have to run on every save."

But how do we actually handle this in the code ?

Does anyone have a working example of how to avoid infinite loop without
modifying Vtiger core ?

Thank you very much.

David V.
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