[Vtigercrm-developers] Changes in reports

David V. davidv.net at gmail.com
Thu Dec 2 08:24:55 PST 2010

Very very interesting.

Jacek you should ask for a Trac login and add all of this to Vtiger's Trac.
And then contact the core team and ask them directly about implementing
theses changes in the core product.

David V.

2010/12/1 Jacek Bilski <jacek.bilski at avalcom.pl>

> Hi,
> For our customer we also had to rewrite parts of reports system. There are
> three main changes:
> 1. If, in any column, account id, account name, contact id or contact name
> appears, then in report this column is rendered as link which leads directly
> to this contact or account.
> 2. Grouping was more or less rewritten. It adds support for including
> columns with aggregate data within report (it is possible now to do
> something like this: SELECT industry, COUNT(Account_no) FROM
> vtiger_account).
> 3. Selecting data from many modules was also partially rewritten. Now for
> every additional module you can select to which other module it will be
> linked. Now every additional module has to be connected to primary module.
> With this patch you can connect many modules in cascade, for example you can
> connect accounts with products with invoices.
> Please check provided patch and apply it in trunk. Patch is against version
> 5.2.1. If you have any questions about or problems with this or our previous
> patches, please contact me. We're very interested in getting our patches
> into vTiger.
> Best regards
> --
> Jacek Bilski
> Dyrektor ds. Technologii
> jacek.bilski at avalcom.pl
> tel.: +48 609 572 036
> Avalcom Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Rokietnicy, ul. Modrzewiowa 12, 62-090
> Rokietnica. Sąd Rejonowy w Poznaniu, VIII Wydział Gospodarczy Krajowego
> Rejestru Sądowego, numer KRS 00000349521, NIP 777-31-50-030, REGON
> 301371500, kapitał zakładowy 6.000,00 PLN
> tel. +48 71 3495219, e-mail: biuro at avalcom.pl,
> http://www.avalcom.pl
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