[Vtigercrm-developers] Recording all changes in accounts and contacts

Jacek Bilski jacek.bilski at avalcom.pl
Wed Dec 1 08:36:29 PST 2010


According to European and Polish law every systems that collects, stores 
or manipulates personal information has to record all changes made to 
this information. We've created a patch that adds support to recording 
all changes to accounts and contacts to additional tables in vTiger.
There is no interface to access it from vTiger itself, but those tables 
are just available in database. Their schema is almost the same as 
original tables, but includes two additional fields: one for user id who 
changed data and second one for time of change. Every time someone saves 
account or contact additional copy is written to those additional 
tables. Patch also supports saving data in fields added with layout editor.

Please check provided patch and apply it in trunk. Patch is against 
version 5.2.1.

Best regards

Jacek Bilski
Dyrektor ds. Technologii
jacek.bilski at avalcom.pl
tel.: +48 609 572 036

Avalcom Sp. z o.o. z siedzibą w Rokietnicy, ul. Modrzewiowa 12, 62-090 
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