[Vtigercrm-developers] Workflow Custom Functions

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 13:38:45 PDT 2010

On 24/08/10 20:05, Prasad wrote:
> Hi Alan,
>     "Warning: require(user_privileges/user_privileges_.php): failed to
>     open stream: No such file or directory in
> You need to pass the user instance to vtws_create API.Make sure
> $current_user is declared as global and is intitlazied.

It was, but outside the function :-D

Anyway, it now seems to work quite well! Thanks for your help Prasad.

Below is the function as a whole so far. As you can see there are quite 
a few fields being passed that are hard-coded and would be problematic 
to pass any-other way.

It would be useful to know the right thing to do should an error occur 
though - I just made something up for now and I'm not even sure that it 
would work anyway.

One other idea I had, was that it would be good if we were able to 
install these custom functions through something like the module manager 
function. I wondered if I packaged it as as an "extension module" 
whether it would actually get installed. I might give that a go later.

CustomWorkflowHandler Function

function Project_WorkflowTask_AutoCreateFn($entity) {

   global $current_user;

   // Get the information for the New Project
   $name = $entity->get('potentialname');
   $description = $entity->get('description');
   $budget = $entity->get('amount');
   $related_to = $entity->get('related_to');
   $assigned_to = $entity->get('assigned_user_id');

   include_once 'include/Webservices/Create.php';	

   $date = date("Y/m/d");

   // Assemble the necessary Project fields 	
   $parameters = array(
     'projectname' => $name,
     'startdate' => $date,
     'targetenddate' => $date,
     'actualenddate' => $date,
     'description' => $description,
     'projectstatus' => '--none--',
     'projecttype' => '--none--',
     'progress' => '--none--',
     'assigned_user_id' => $assigned_to,		
     'targetbudget' => $budget,
     'linktoaccountscontacts' => $related_to

   if ($resultRecord = vtws_create('Project', $parameters, $current_user)) {
     echo "Sorry there was an error:\n";
     echo "<pre>"; print_r($resultRecord); echo "</pre>\n";



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