[Vtigercrm-developers] Ideas to improve vtiger / feedback to bugs on trac

Manilal K M manilal at ejyothi.com
Fri Sep 18 02:59:05 PDT 2009

Quoting "Paproth, Stefan" <paproth at 4com.de>:

> Hello there,
> I'm from a company in Germany. We're currently starting to use vtiger.
> We're really happy with vtiger, but we've found some bugs, which we
> already reported at the bug-tracker (bugs 6291 and 6292). Additionally,
> we have some ideas for enhancements, which we also reported (bugs 6293,
> 6315, 6316, 6317). Unfortunately we didn't get any feedback yet. Some of
> these issues are already implemented by me (patch is attached to the
> bug), others could be implemented in the near future.

There are also instances where the reported bugs are closed without  
contacting the reporter/requester for feedback or providing amble  

Please have a look at this bug:

IMHO, these kind of responses are not suitable for a community project.

Manilal K M
eJyothi Services

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