[Vtigercrm-developers] Customerportal layout bugs in 5.10

Alan Lord (News) alanslists at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 12:47:51 PDT 2009

Continuing my investigations the CustomerPortal module...

I saved a copy of the html source after viewing the default page on the 
"Sevices" tab.

I've reported on Trac some typographical errors such as a space between 
"colspan" and the "=" and missing closing > on span tags repeated across 
several files.

Examining the html source there appear to be some problems with the 
overall nesting of the generated html but I wanted to check first.

After tidying the contents of the file so I was sure only one tag was on 
each line and removing stuff like comments and in-line javascript, I 
grep'd the file for the occurrences of each of the following

grep -c "<table" file.html; grep -c "</\table>" file.html

<table>  = 8
</table> = *11*

<tbody> = 2
</tbody> = *1*

<td>  = 40
</td> = *41*

<form>  = 2
</form> = *1*

Other tags I tested matched; <tr> for example had 28 open and closing tags.

Is this what I should expect to see? I'm not sure if the Javascript 
could "fix" some of these mismatches or not. Javascript ain't my strong 
point. I also noticed similar mismatches on other tabs such as accounts.



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