[Vtigercrm-developers] Service Contracts

Asha asha at vtiger.com
Thu Nov 13 16:50:55 EST 2008

Hi Sreenivas,

I am not sure if the following line was by mistake or intended :-
To support Recurring invoices, we plan to add a new section in the Sales
Order to capture
-> Did you really mean that we will capture this information in Sales Order
or you actually meant Invoice?

On 11/13/08, Sreenivas Kanumuru <svk at vtiger.com> wrote:
> Hi vtigers,
> As we mentioned earlier, we will be supporting non-stockable (services) and
> stockable items (physical items) under Inventory products module. To take
> our new love for services further, we will be supporting Recurring Invoices
> and Service Contracts. We see these as two different things. Let me explain:
>    - Recurring Invoices: Invoices will be created automatically at the
>    configured frequency. To support Recurring invoices, we plan to add a new
>    section in the Sales Order to capture
>       - Start and End period
>       - Frequency (yearly, monthly)
>       - Service Contracts: Helps track professional and support service
>    agreements. Service contracts are done at an item level in the Invoice. A
>    Service contract could have the following fields.
>    - associated with *Account*
>       - *Start Date, End Date, Tracking Unit *[Hours, Days, Incidents], *Total
>       Units, Available Units*.  (ex: our Level 2 Support for small client
>       is restricted to 4 tickets)
>       - is linked to Trouble ticket module. Each trouble ticket closed
>       should automatically decrement the counter or the available hours.
>       - alert the client when limit is getting close.
>       - We can provide a button for each service line item in an invoice
>       to create a  service contract.
> Before moving ahead, we would like to hear from you.
>    - Is Service contracts module useful?
>    - Do you have any suggestions to improve upon the above defined
>    capability in Service Contracts?
> We are wary of the Service Contracts exploding into a major piece of work,
> for example to help with SLA compliance..etc. We would like to keep this to
> a limited scope for now.
> Please share your feedback.
> thanks,
> Sreenivas
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