[Vtigercrm-developers] Service Contracts

Sreenivas Kanumuru svk at vtiger.com
Thu Nov 13 13:12:21 EST 2008

Hi vtigers,

As we mentioned earlier, we will be supporting non-stockable (services) and
stockable items (physical items) under Inventory products module. To take
our new love for services further, we will be supporting Recurring Invoices
and Service Contracts. We see these as two different things. Let me explain:

   - Recurring Invoices: Invoices will be created automatically at the
   configured frequency. To support Recurring invoices, we plan to add a new
   section in the Sales Order to capture
      - Start and End period
      - Frequency (yearly, monthly)
      - Service Contracts: Helps track professional and support service
   agreements. Service contracts are done at an item level in the Invoice. A
   Service contract could have the following fields.
   - associated with *Account*
      - *Start Date, End Date, Tracking Unit *[Hours, Days, Incidents], *Total
      Units, Available Units*.  (ex: our Level 2 Support for small client is
      restricted to 4 tickets)
      - is linked to Trouble ticket module. Each trouble ticket closed
      should automatically decrement the counter or the available hours.
      - alert the client when limit is getting close.
      - We can provide a button for each service line item in an invoice to
      create a  service contract.

Before moving ahead, we would like to hear from you.

   - Is Service contracts module useful?
   - Do you have any suggestions to improve upon the above defined
   capability in Service Contracts?

We are wary of the Service Contracts exploding into a major piece of work,
for example to help with SLA compliance..etc. We would like to keep this to
a limited scope for now.

Please share your feedback.

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