[Vtigercrm-developers] Feature: Recurring Revenue

Brett Hooker brett.hooker at roarz.com
Wed Nov 12 17:22:49 EST 2008


That'll be great!

The requirement we're working to meet is as follows.

An order comes in for a hosting account, multiple domain names, a 
payment gateway, and a SSL certificate.

These items may be entered by a sales rep or an operator, whose time is 
precious, thus they need the quickest mechanism possible to enter these 

Each item is on its own recurring schedule, for example:
- Hosting is monthly
- Domain names are annual, or bi annual
- SSL is annual
- Payment gateway is annual

Some of these items are included for free in the first cycle, e.g. 
domain name free for first year of service or first month of hosting is 

We achieve this be entering recurring properties against each line item.

For the record, we capture the following attributes for recurring items:
- Product (lookup to Product database)
- Price (the amount to be charged on each anniversary)
- First payment free (yes/no)
- Extra details (text field that holds the descriptor of the recurring 
product, e.g. domain name, hosting account name, ssl cert domain, etc)
- Status (active [paid], expired, unpaid, etc)
- Next payment due date (calculated)
- Cycle (monthly, quarterly, annual, bi-annual, etc)

When these items arrive at their anniversary date, a single invoice is 
produced with all of the Accounts due recurring products on it.  We do 
this in the cron job.

I like the idea of this being raised on a sales order.  In our case, 
we'd have to capture the recurring details for each product on each line 

We'd also have to provide a related list on the Accounts screen to show 
all recurring products for an Account, as we've found that customers 
purchase many of these items over time, and we need to be able to access 
all of them in a single place in summary form.  (hence why we put this 
on the accounts screen in our case)

We are yet to build a recurring products module, but we are planning on 
doing this.  Again, this is to allow us to see the record of all 
recurring products in a single screen so that we can audit/manage/review 
all "live revenue" products through a single screen.  It would be 
impractical for us to scan through sales orders, or a related list on 
each Account to do this.  When we build the recurring products module, 
it might negate the need to enter these on a Sales Order, as we could do 
the Additions via the Recurring Products module.

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Sreenivas Kanumuru wrote:
> Hi,
> We intend to support Recurring invoices capability in 5.1. We plan to 
> use an approach similar to the one taken by Joe. i.e., Use SalesOrder 
> as a template and add a section to configure the recurring properties  
> such as start period, end period and the frequency. When the recurring 
> invoice is created by the system, the status will be set to 'Created' 
> and an email alert can be sent to the owner. The  owner can then 
> change the status to 'Approved' 
> Hope this approach fits the need for most clients. Please let us know 
> your feedback.
> -Sreenivas (vtiger team)
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Joe Bordes <joe at tsolucio.com 
> <mailto:joe at tsolucio.com>> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     We have this working using the SO as a template.
>     http://vtiger-spain.com/wiki/doku.php?id=recurringbilling
>     Joe
>     TSolucio
>     quentusrex escribió:
>     > Is there work already being done on the Recurring Revenue
>     feature? If
>     > not has the feature already been designed, just not implemented?
>     If not,
>     > who should I talk to about this feature? I want to get this feature
>     > implemented quickly and I'm willing to do all of the work if I
>     can get
>     > some help on the proper vtiger way to implement the feature.
>     >
>     > I'd like something that would run as a cron job that would check
>     every
>     > day to see all of the sales orders to see if they were marked as
>     > 'recurring' if so then check to see when the last invoice was
>     generated.
>     > If the last invoice was more than a month ago, then generate an
>     invoice,
>     > that needs to be approved by the sales person. Then the sales person
>     > approves the invoice, and sends it out.
>     >
>     > -William
>     >
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>     >
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