[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger CRM Deduct Product Quantity (should we do it for Invoice or Sales Order?)

Asha asha at vtiger.com
Fri Nov 7 10:36:16 EST 2008

Hi Carlo, John, Cicero, Kristof, David,

Thanks for the input. 5.1 will allow users to specify Services under
Products. We will provide a 'Product Type' pick list with 'Stock Item' and
'Non-Stock Item' as values. We are also planning on supporting Service
Contracts. More on that in a future email!

Thanks again for your suggestions.

On 11/7/08, Cicero Jacobi Filho <j4c0b1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey John
> Thats a real simple and nice idea!!
> --
> Atenciosamente
> Cícero Jacobi Filho
> j4c0b1 at gmail.com
> 51-93350964
> 51-84566132
> icq   : 78883010
> msn   : cjacobi at hotmail.com
> gmail : j4c0b1 at gmail.com
> skype : cjacobi
> 2008/11/6 John Crisp <jcrisp at safeandsoundit.co.uk>
>> What about having a 'non-stock' box ? Sage etc do something similar.
>> You could then add a service as a non-stock item ?
>> Or maybe a couple of different 'product types' with some flexibility on
>> how it manages stock depending on the type ?
>> B. Rgds
>> John
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