[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger CRM Deduct Product Quantity (should we do it for Invoice or Sales Order?)
carlo beschi
carloz at gnumerica.org
Thu Nov 6 07:48:55 EST 2008
Hi David,
your suggestion is precious, as much as Kristof idea of using the NULL
value for services.
Having a checkbox/flag to say that a product is in fact a service seems
to be a clean and smart solution.
ps: sharing ideas is such a powerful mean of common growth ... let's use
the tools we have (like this list, so silent at times :-)
David V. wrote:
> Hi Carlo,
> I like your idea, but why not make it even smarter by having a check box
> in each product to select if this particular product is a service or not.
> David V.
> On Thu, Nov 6, 2008 at 7:10 AM, carlo beschi <carloz at gnumerica.org
> <mailto:carloz at gnumerica.org>> wrote:
> Hi Prasad, all you devs,
> I'll jump on the thread to say that we'd definitely like to have the
> possibility to disable, from Settings, all Inventory Stock Checkings.
> If the company using vtiger sells services, there's no need to
> set/update stocks.
> Currently, we use workarounds for this - the easiest is to set products
> stocks to very high values, like 9999, another one is commenting lines
> of code.
> We ourselves are in this situation, and have at least 4 or 5 clients
> facing the same issue.
> What I have in mind is: the possibility for the admin user to set, via
> Settings, that the company sells services. Then, checking one checkbox,
> all quotes checkings get disabled.
> I'd love to see this on 5.2 :-)
> Carlo
> Prasad wrote:
> > Dear vtigers,
> >
> > We are looking for your advise on the following. Currently, when an
> > invoice is saved, vtiger CRM deducts the items from the available
> stock
> > under Product Inventory.
> >
> > We are getting feedback on the blogs and the forums that this is not
> > correct or not sufficient. We would like to get your views on
> this matter.
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