[Vtigercrm-developers] vtigercrm-developers Digest, Vol 29, Issue 7

Frank Piepiorra fp at crm-now.de
Thu May 29 05:50:43 PDT 2008

John, you may try our different PDF generator posted at the vtiger forge
(see http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=19823).
This lets you add as much text as needed for every product/service entry.
For instance, you could create product entry called "customer service" add a
short generic description (which will be included in the PDF quote) and add
the text for the specific customer at the quote (description and comments).


> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Hi,
> Are there any plans to allow quotes to be created for service
> companies? I think if you could add items to quotes by typing in the
> service details rather than having to create a product for each service
> (which is usually different for each client) the system would be more
> appealing to a wider range of users. I provide vtiger support and
> integration for clients but have never been able to actually use the
> system for my own business which has been a real shame.
> John Messingham
> http://www.jmds.co.uk

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