[Vtigercrm-developers] vtlib - 'payslip' questions!!

bruce bedouglas at earthlink.net
Tue Dec 9 16:11:32 PST 2008


I'm trying to implement a simple test of the vTiger app, and the associated
vtlib lib to create/implement a new module/tab for the hoirzontal menus. To
be honest, I'm confused. I've posted numerous times to the developer's
mailing list, as well as to the various forums. I've even gone so far as to
post a small project on the Job Board!! So, I've decided to submit as
detailed an email as possiblt to the support email list.

I'm willing to try and help improve the doc process as necessary. But I have
to tell you, if people have problems trying to implement functionality,
they'll leave the app, which doesn't do anyone any good!! On the other hand,
this could all be a case of user error!

So here goes!

The vtlib pdf, provides nine (9) steps to create a module, in this case, the
payslip module. However, it doesn't say what this "payslip" module does, or
is good for.

(Q1) What does the "payslip" module do??
     Where should it reside??
     Does the "payslip" demo create any kind of
      User Interface/Template/Html file
      for the user to view/see??

The demo lists a number of steps to be followed for the
creation/implementation of a new module. The steps listed are:

 Step 1
          Create module instance, create database
          tables, and add it to Menu
 Step 2
          Add UI blocks for the module.
 Step 3
          Add fields and associate it to blocks.
          Set at-least one of the field as entity identifier.
 Step 4
          Create default list view and additional filters
          (make sure to create filter name All which is default filter)
 Step 5
          Create Related List (to show in the ''More information''
 Step 6
          Setting Sharing Access Rules
 Step 7
          Setting Module Tools options
          (i.e., Import/Export)

 Step 8
          Creating Module directory and files

 Step 9

Steps (1,2,3,4,5,6) are described and are added to a file. In the case of
the 'payslip' demo, the file is named "vtlib.Test.Create.Module1.php".

(Q2)  Why is the file named in this manner?
      Does the naming convention matter?
      Where should this file reside in the
       structure of the vTiger webapp/dirs?
      I assume that this file handles whatever
       integration the 'payslip' module has to
       have with the vTiger infrstructure, is
       this correct?
      I also assume that this file/module at this
       stage doesn't have any User Interface to
       either display any content to the user,
       or to get any input from the user. Is
       this correct?
      Does the 'payslip' module implement any kind
       of submenu/subtasks (ie, like the lead/contacts,
      If subtasks/submenus aren't implemented, how are
       sub-tasks/sub-menus implemented?

 Step 8 states that the frontend function is covered, by copying the files
from the vtlib/module dir and copying the files into the correctly renamed
folder, and then modifying the stated files. But here again, there is no
mention of any kind of user interface files.

(Q3)  Where does the smarty template functionality get handled?
      Can we get an example of a basic/test User Interface function
       that's similar to the "lead/contact/etc...) file?

Being able to see exactly how this entire process works, and interfaces with
the vTiger infrastructure is critical to the overall success of the app...


(Q4)  Is this required for the test 'payslip' app if I'm just
       testing the module on my system?
      If packaging is required, can you provide a test
       file that actually has all the working functionality
       in order to package/import the file?

Running the Demo/Script:::
The pdf doc has a final section where the vtlib.Test.Create.Module1.php is
opened/run. The doc has the cmd:

(Q5)   Where is the vtlib.Test.html file??
       Is this the initial file that was created from the
        initial steps, or is it something else??

Any pointers, comments, help would be greatly appreciated!!


bedouglas at earthlink.net

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