[Vtigercrm-developers] vTiger on MSSQL - 99% complete.

Enrico Weigelt weigelt at metux.de
Tue Sep 25 12:27:15 PDT 2007

* Graham Miller <graham901 at webenhanced.com.au> schrieb:


> There are many commercial entities now considering investing 
> in open source development but they need to know the project 
> is going to be there for the long haul.

Well, as long as one person maintains the project, it keeps alive ;-P

> We will be rebuilding a large proprietary on-line financial planning 
> application into a CRM as the base platform for user logins, profiles, 
> contact history etc etc. The client is willing to invest in open source 
> software and we will probably want some extra programming resources to
> hire along the way that already know the CRM app really well.

Sounds good :)

IMHO, it's important to get patches back to this list asap, 
so the community can take care of them. That's the difference
between cooperative work and taking someone's works for your 
own benefits.

> We evaluated the market of open source offerings and found sugar/vtiger 
> to be the best. Noting the sugarCRM license requirements and our need 
> to totally re-brand the application, we decided that the apparently real 
> open source alternative (namely vtiger) was the right platform and have
> been watching the list for signs of an active community. 

For me, the sugar licensing was one of the major reason for 
dropping it. vtiger has still a lot issues, but still seemed 
the best option for me. 

 Enrico Weigelt, metux IT service -- http://www.metux.de/

 cellphone: +49 174 7066481   email: info at metux.de   skype: nekrad666
 Embedded-Linux / Portierung / Opensource-QM / Verteilte Systeme

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