[Vtigercrm-developers] vtiger contribution question

Joe Bordes joe at tsolucio.com
Wed May 2 12:37:14 PDT 2007

Hi Jorge,

Jorge Torres escribió:
> Hi,
> Since it is now clear that postgres is supported, the only thing would
> be about Enrico's opinion of adb->query_results being resource
> wasting, which is very important regardless of mysql or postgres use, 
> Enrico,  what are you doing instead of using the query_results method?
> About the other thing here is a todo list which could possibly be
> common with vtiger's:
> - Use WebWM (webwm.sourceforge.net <http://webwm.sourceforge.net>),
> instead of porpup windows which are blocked by internet explorer and
> sometimes firefox, also use WebWM for virtual windows, such as the
> ones in editing custom fields.
Really nice. Hope you can get somewhere.

> - I don't know why imap email doest work, I get the message that email
> should be configured, even if it is in fact configured, well so i will
> try to fix that, + adding imap options to the Add user template,
> - DHTML Customizable pdf sheet creator for sales-orders and the others,
> - AJAX calendar refresh, and adding standard calendar view on a
> floating window.
> - Date field DHTML floating box.
> - Help DHTML widgets, which will soon be offered by the webwm framework.
> - Translation facility, probably a script that reads every lang file,
> and organizes it in a HTML form, and then form it regenerate the lang
> files, so language translation can be made from web, rather that
> getting into the code, + the fact of making it a lot more easier when
> adding new definitions and translating them to the other files.
Try the Language Wizard in vtigerforge. This is what I use and I think
it is a very good module, it does exactly what you are asking for.
> Well with that I think I have lot to play with for some time.
> Thank you,
> Jorge

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