[Vtigercrm-developers] How to make vtiger better?

Aïssa webmaster at vtigerfacile.com
Wed Sep 27 02:46:40 PDT 2006

Hello Richie,
I think :
Simplify vtiger developpement, to much complex to create module
Stabilize core api : too much bugs in 5.0
Remove tabdata.php, parentatbdata.php, user_privileges/*.php all this 
informations are on the database, thooses files have no sense
Improve the plug-ins, the best way to break my vtiger crm is to use 
outlook plug-in.
Improve lang support, too much bugs by default,

I think the first & second point are the most important.
I know your effort.
This is my first felling.

Richie a écrit :
> Hello!
> I would like to get your views on what else can be done to make vtiger product and community
> better. 
> I am sure you will be having different views as you are looking into vtiger than looking out as me.
> That, is a significant difference by my mind.
> Looking forward to your views,
> Richie
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