[Vtigercrm-developers] merging the wikis

Richie richie at vtiger.com
Mon Sep 11 05:06:15 PDT 2006

Guys, how do we come to a conclusion on this? 
Gopal thinks that it is better to merge the two as the wiki at wiki.vtiger.com is already divided into 2 zones - User Zone and Developer Zone. 
So, the respective areas will have the related docs. 
I am not clear about how the development is related to the wiki as mentioned by Jeff. Kindly elaborate. 
Jeff you state that the trac and wiki are tightly integrated. I think this will be an important point to base the decision to merge or not. Kindly explain. 

---- Dennis Grant<dgrant at accuratetechnologies.com> wrote ---- 

> Richie wrote:
>> Now we have 2 wikis in place namely,
>> http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki and wiki.vtiger.com
. I
>> propose that we merge these into 1 wiki only.

> -1 on merging wikis. Actually, that's a -1 for not using trac for
> development documentation.

+1 on merging wikis, and +1 on using wiki.vtiger.com for developer

The wiki on wiki.vtiger is being actively developed; go with that one.


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