[Vtigercrm-developers] example does not work
g.un at freemail.hu
Tue Nov 21 06:25:58 PST 2006
alex svetos <alex.svetos at gmail.com> írta:
> I don't understand what you want to do. But if you want to
add a new field
Actually I have defined a new table in vtiger database
(vtiger_login_hist). I wan to make the certain contact's
last login time to be displayed on Contacts/More Information
Technically I don't know for 100% sure how this should be
achieved. This is why I bother you here on this list:)
I have made some attempt based on online documentation on
vtiger page but those were failed. And I don't know where to
start to looking for my fault.
> in a Contact you should do something like this :
> if you want to add a new field on Contact, assuming your
field ids called
> 'card_number' you should insert a new line in vtiger field
with thoses
> values :
> insert into a vtiger_contact values (4,
an_unused_field_id, 'card_number',
> 'card_number',
> )
> And add a the new column in vtiger_contactdetails.
> (assuming your new field is called 'mobile_phone' and is
used to store a
> phone number.)
Did I get it right that I have to update three tables in
database for this case? These table are: vtiger_field,
vtiger_contact and vtiger_contactdetails, aren't they?
thanks for help so far!
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