[Vtigercrm-developers] Release naming

Dhr. R.R. Gerbrands remco at artoge.nl
Wed Nov 8 03:30:17 PST 2006

@ Nicholas,

If you find it odd, you might want to wait using vtigercrm as we're  
in the process of becoming mature.

@ Callum,

What you are refering to is not release naming to my idea.
But package naming.
I think that's a bit confusing for more people,
The release naming is still the same, in you example 5.0.2,
depending on the target platform is you're suggested packet naming.

I can agree with it, yet as our user are no newbee's the naming as  
stated in: http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/wiki/ 
is enough, I would suggest adding a wiki page for the newbee's who  
doesn't know what to download instead.

Best regards,


Op 8-nov-2006, om 6:41 heeft Nicholas Chan het volgende geschreven:

> I just found it odd that the naming issue is still being discussed  
> till
> today. Why isn't the standard set and enforced already?
> Callum Macdonald wrote:
>> Hi Guys,
>> I think the naming of releases should be simplified. I suggest Joomla
>> provides a good template to use (with one or two improvements):
>> http://forge.joomla.org/sf/frs/do/viewRelease/projects.joomla/ 
>> frs.joomla_1_0.1_0_11
>> vtiger 5 patch 2 and vtiger 5.0.2 are confusing names. It is not  
>> clear
>> from what version you can apply patch 2, and so on. I suggest we  
>> use the
>> same method as Joomla. When a new version is released (5.0.2) then  
>> the
>> following files are released:
>> vtigercrm-5.0.0-to-5.0.2-patch.zip
>> vtigercrm-5.0.1-to-5.0.2-patch.zip
>> vtigercrm-5.0.2-full-windows.exe
>> vtigercrm-5.0.2-full-linux.bin
>> vtigercrm-5.0.2-full-lamp.tgz
>> <http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/vtigercrm/vtigercrm-5.0.0- 
>> patch2.zip?download>I
>> think it's important to include the windows/linux/lamp in the file  
>> name.
>> I know it's obvious from the extension to MOST people, but not to  
>> everyone.
>> I also think these files should all be released in the same  
>> package in
>> sourceforge. In my opinion, splitting the full and patch releases is
>> confusing.
>> I think this is a HUGELY important issue, as important as the recent
>> heated debate over the naming of the GA release.
>> Comments on a postcard...
>> Callum.
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Dhr. R.R. Gerbrands


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