[Vtigercrm-developers] per campaign custom fields

Matthew Brichacek mmbrich at fosslabs.com
Tue May 23 11:29:05 PDT 2006

more features for 5.x...

For our 4.x crm we created the ability to map custom fields to campaigns
and then "hide" them from the system.  Basically, if you map a custom
field to a campaign and then hide it, it will only be shown in the
detail/edit view of entities that are associated to that campaign and no
others.  If the custom field is not hidden it acts as normal.  The main
reason we built this feature was for the ability to manage a large
amount of custom fields and use them for harvesting lists without having
the whole list of CF's get out of control and unmanageable.

In our most common scenario the custom fields are mapped to a campaign
and then used in a specific telemarketing script but in other scenarios
I see them being used maybe for something like a set of questions for a
web based survey that you then create with a joomla forms builder
(*cough*) :).

Its a very cool feature for our uses, I'll try to lay out an example
here.. Lets say you already have 10 misc custom fields:
1) Create a custom field picklist "How many dogs in your home" and map
it to the campaign "Web survey dogs", hide it. Create your other custom
fields for this campaign and map/hide them as well
2) Go to the joomla forms builder and choose the campaign "Web survey
dogs" and you will be presented with a list of campaign specific CF's
and all other gentype=(1,2) fields that aren't hidden.
3) Create cool form for your survey

Once you have launched that survey, let say you follow the same steps
except now it's for the "Web survey cats" campaign and it has it's own
set of hidden custom fields mapped to that campaign.

Now lets take 3 example leads:
Joe Lead Campaign: Web survey dogs
Jane Lead Campaign: Web survey cats
Tom Lead Campaigns: Web survey cats, Web survey dogs
Dick Lead Campaigns: none

If you click on joe's record you will only see the 10 non-hidden custom
fields and the ones created for the campaign he is mapped to.
If you click on jane's record you will get the same results as joe
except her specific custom fields will be for the cats campaign
In tom's record you will have the 10 non-hidden CF's, the cat campaign
CF's and the dog campaign CF's.
And in Dicks record you will only see the 10 non-hidden custom fields.

Anyone else see a use for this in their organizations or customer
deployments?  I would like to move this into 5.x if enough people could
find uses for it.


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