[Vtigercrm-developers] English file for customview module

Abos webmaster at vtigercrmfrance.org
Thu May 11 04:19:57 PDT 2006

Like promise, this is the english file for module customview.

 * The contents of this file are subject to the SugarCRM Public License 
Version 1.1.2
 * ("License"); You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License. You may obtain a copy of the License at 
 * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an  "AS IS"  
 * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the 
License for
 * the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
 * The Original Code is:  SugarCRM Open Source
 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is SugarCRM, Inc.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.;
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________.
 * $Header$
 * Description:  Defines the English language pack for the Account module.
 * Portions created by SugarCRM are Copyright (C) SugarCRM, Inc.
 * All Rights Reserved.
 * Contributor(s): ______________________________________..
$mod_strings = Array(
'LBL_MODULE_NAME'=>'Custom View',
'LBL_STEP_1_TITLE'=>'View Information',
'LBL_VIEW_NAME'=>'View Name:',
'LBL_SETDEFAULT'=>'Set as Default',
'LBL_LIST_IN_METRICS'=>'List in Metrics',
'LBL_STEP_2_TITLE'=>'Choose Columns',
'LBL_STEP_3_TITLE'=>'Standard Filters',
'LBL_STEP_4_TITLE'=>'Advanced Filters',
'LBL_STEP_5_TITLE'=>'Access Information',
'LBL_SF_STARTDATE'=>'Start Date',
'LBL_SF_ENDDATE'=>'End Date',
'LBL_AF_HDR1'=>'Set the search conditions to further restrict the list.',
'LBL_AF_HDR2'=>'You can use &quot;or&quot; filters by entering multiple 
items in the third column.',
'LBL_AF_HDR3'=>'You can enter up to 10 items, separated by commas. For 
example: CA, NY, TX, FL searches for CA or NY or TX or FL.',
'LBL_AF_HDR4'=>'If "Activity Type" is selected, give any one of the 
following values "Call","Meeting" or "Task".',

//strings added for vtiger 5, date format...
//Strings added for filter
'Previous FY'=>'Previous FY',
'Current FY'=>'Current FY',
'Next FY'=>'Next FY',
'Previous FQ'=>'Previous FQ',
'Current FQ'=>'Current FQ',
'Next FQ'=>'Next FQ',
'Last Week'=>'Last Week',
'Current Week'=>'Current Week',
'Next Week'=>'Next Week',
'Last Month'=>'Last Month',
'Current Month'=>'Current Month',
'Next Month'=>'Next Month',
'Last 7 Days'=>'Last 7 Days',
'Last 30 Days'=>'Last 30 Days',
'Last 60 Days'=>'Last 60 Days',
'Last 90 Days'=>'Last 90 Days',
'Last 120 Days'=>'Last 120 Days',
'Next 30 Days'=>'Next 30 Days',
'Next 60 Days'=>'Next 60 Days',
'Next 90 Days'=>'Next 90 Days',
'Next 120 Days'=>'Next 120 Days',

'not_equal_to'=>'Not equal to',
'starts_with'=>'Commence par',
'does_not_contain'=>'does not contain',
'less_than'=>'less than',
'greater_than'=>'greater than',
'less_or_equal'=>'less or equal',
'greater_or_equal'=>'greater or equal',

//Strings added to translate field label groups
'Custom Information'=>'Custom Information',
'- Event Information'=>'- Event Information',
'- Event Description'=>'- Event Description',
'- Task Information'=>'- Task Information',
'- Task Description'=>'- Task Description',

//Strings added for helpdesk module fields
'Assigned To'=>'Assigned To',
'Related to'=>'Related to',
'Product Name'=>'Product Name',
'Created Time'=>'Created Time',
'Modified Time'=>'Modified Time',

//Strings added for Leads module fields
'First Name'=>'First Name',
'Last Name'=>'Last Name',
'Lead Source'=>'Lead Source',
'Lead Status'=>'Statut',
'Annual Revenue'=>'Chiffre d\'affaire',
'No Of Employees'=>'Effectif',
'Po Box'=>'Boite postale',
'Postal Code'=>'Code postal',

//Strings added for Accounts module fields
'Account Name'=>'Nom compte',
'Ticker Symbol'=>'Symbole boursier',
'Other Phone'=>'Autre t&eacute;l&eacute;phone',
'Member Of'=>'Filiale de',
'Other Email'=>'Other Email',
'SIC Code'=>'SIC Code',
'Email Opt Out'=>'Email Opt Out',
'Billing Address'=>'Billing Address',
'Shipping Address'=>'Shipping Address',
'Shipping Po Box'=>'Shipping Po Box',
'Billing Po Box'=>'Billing Po Box',
'Billing City'=>'Billing City',
'Shipping City'=>'Shipping City',
'Billing State'=>'Billing State',
'Shipping State'=>'Shipping State',
'Billing Code'=>'Billing Code',
'Shipping Code'=>'Shipping Code',
'Shipping Country'=>'Shipping Country',
'Billing Country'=>'Billing Country',

//Strings added for Contacts module fields

'Office Phone'=>'Office Phone',
'Home Phone'=>'Home Phone',
'Reports To'=>'Reports To',
'Assistant Phone'=>'Assistant Phone',
'Do Not Call'=>'Do Not Call',
'Mailing Street'=>'Mailing Street',
'Other Street'=>'Other Street',
'Mailing Po Box'=>'Mailing Po Box',
'Other Po Box'=>'Other Po Box',
'Mailing City'=>'Mailing City',
'Other City'=>'Other City',
'Mailing State'=>'Mailing State',
'Other State'=>'Other State',
'Mailing Zip'=>'Mailing Zip',
'Other Zip'=>'Other Zip',
'Mailing Country'=>'Mailing Country',
'Other Country'=>'Other Country',

//Strings added for Potential module fields

'Potential Name'=>'Potential Name',
'Expected Close Date'=>'Expected Close Date',
'Next Step'=>'Next Step',
'Sales Stage'=>'Sales Stage',

//Strings added for Quotes module fields
'Quote Stage'=>'Quote Stage',
'Valid Till'=>'Valid Till',
'Contact Name'=>'Contact Name',
'Inventory Manager'=>'Inventory Manager',

//Strings added for Sales Orders module fields
'Customer No'=>'Customer No',
'Quote Name'=>'Quote Name',
'Purchase Order'=>'Purchase Order',
'Due Date'=>'Due Date',
'Sales Commission'=>'Sales Commission',
'Excise Duty'=>'Excise Duty',

//Strings added for Invoices module fields
'Sales Order'=>'Sales Order',
'Invoice Date'=>'Invoice Date',

//Strings added for Product module fields
'Product Code'=>'Product Code',
'Product Active'=>'Product Active',
'Product Category'=>'Product Category',
'Sales Start Date'=>'Sales Start Date',
'Sales End Date'=>'Sales End Date',
'Support Start Date'=>'Support Start Date',
'Vendor Name'=>'Vendor Name',
'Mfr PartNo'=>'Mfr PartNo',
'Vendor PartNo'=>'Vendor PartNo',

'Serial No'=>'Serial No',
'Product Sheet'=>'Product Sheet',
'GL Account'=>'GL Account',

//Strings added for Price book module fields
'Price Book Name'=>'Price Book Name',

//Strings added for tasks & events module fields
'Start Date & Time'=>'Start Date & Time',

//error message
'Missing required fields'=>'Missing required fields',

//Strings added for campaigns
'Campaign Name'=>'Campaign Name',
'Campaign Type'=>'Campaign Type',
'Campaign Status'=>'Campaign Status',
'Expected Revenue'=>'Expected Revenue',
'Budget Cost'=>'Budget Cost',
'Actual Cost'=>'Actual Cost',
'Expected Response'=>'Expected Response',
'Num Sent'=>'Num Sent',
'Target Audience'=>'Target Audience',
'Expected Sales Count'=>'Expected Sales Count',
'Expected Response Count'=>'Expected Response Count',
'Expected ROI'=>'Expected ROI',
'Actual Sales Count'=>'Actual Sales Count',
'Actual Response Count'=>'Actual Response Count',
'Actual ROI'=>'Actual ROI',

//Added for customview.tpl

'LBL_Select_a_Column'=>'Select a Column',
'Missing_required_fields'=>'Missing required fields',
'New_Custom_View'=>'New Custom view',
'LBL_AF_HDR5'=>'Simple Time Filter allows you to select date based on 
<b>Account Created Time</b> or  <b>Account Modified Time</b>',
'Select_Duration'=>'Select Duration',
'Simple_Time_Filter'=>'Simple Time Filter',
'Start_Date'=>'Start Date',

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