[Vtigercrm-developers] 5.0 beta lockdown?

Mike Fedyk mfedyk at mikefedyk.com
Tue Mar 14 03:29:27 PST 2006

Richie wrote:

> Hello!
> We plan to release the Beta by the end of this month.
> As I am running short of resources here, I would request some help.
> Towards that end, I had a discussion with mmbrich and these are the salient 
> points that we discussed. Please feel free to pitch in your views.
> a) Bundle prototype as base library for all Ajax features

That's good.  Make sure you keep it up to date and if you make any 
changes to the lib, submit them upstream.

> b) Hiring Deputies for keeping track of various modules. I would need volunteers. The
> Deputies must know that copying from any outside source is not allowed and is not 
> respected either. No new feature additions are allowed, only and strictly bug-fixes.
> c) Try and get the svn diff of the 4.2.x series and see if the same can be 
> merged into the 5.0. Care has to be taken as these are entirely two 
> different beasts.

This will require a full change in your work flow.  Any meetings and 
communications done in your team will have to be done publicly so that 
your community deputies will be informed of things as they happen and 
why they happen.

You'll need to make tickets for features, bugs etc. in trac and 
reference to them on your checkins so that a feature or bug fix that is 
spread over multiple checkins can be tracked easily.

If you have deputies, they should be the only one making changes to 
their area of control.  That means if Joe Bob developer is assigned the 
helpdesk module, even changes made by the core team should go through 
the deputy.

> Please note, opening up the 5.0 is a critical move. We need to understand
> all the facets of this before we do actually open up the main trunk to developers.
> So, I am starting a discussion here to get all your views.

This is very true.  I think the easiest way to get there is to have your 
first deputies to be from the vtiger core team.  Assign the various 
portions of the 5 source tree between your developers and have them send 
changes to each other and review each other's work.

> There is also the issue of support for MySQL5 with PHP5 in the default installation.
> I am open to debate on how to go about bundling these.

It's up to you what versions you want  to bundle with vtiger.  Though 
using the newest version that works properly is probably the best way to 
go.  So if vtiger 5 works with php5 and mysql5 use those.  But if you 
can bundle php5.1 and vtiger 5 works well with it, then do that.

> To briefly mention our status over here :-
> We have started working on the API generation of all the code that we 
> write, I will
> be happy to have reviewers for the same as well.This will ensure that 
> the Developer Docs/Guide is proper.
> As I type this letter, we are working feverishly on the product to 
> integrate the
> required UIs esp that of the Security module.

What documentation system are you using?


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