[Vtigercrm-developers] Very important question about JpGraph

Mike Fedyk mfedyk at mikefedyk.com
Sat Mar 4 10:46:02 PST 2006

Fathi BOUDRA wrote:

>Le Samedi 4 Mars 2006 13:24, Marcin Antczak a écrit :
>>I got extremely important question about JpGraph license.
>>VtigerCRM contains JpGraph library and in vtigercrm-4.2.4rc2 version there
>>is only COPYING.txt file that says that JpGraph is on QPL 1.0 license.
>>While it's true but only partially. Because on http://www.aditus.nu/jpgraph
>>we can read that:
>>"JpGraph is released under a dual license. QPL 1.0 (Qt Free Licensee) For
>>non-commercial, open-source or educational use and JpGraph Professional
>>License for commercial use."
>>So while propably some VtigerCRM users will use this software for fun, we
>>need to be honest and we all know that VtigerCRM is software designed
>>specifically for commercial usage.
>>Then anyone that uses VtigerCRM commercially violates JpGraph license.
>>Please comment this. And if some VtigerCRM developers could say what to do
>>with this issue? Simple remove JpGraph or maybe add an option to
>>config.inc.php that could allow to turn on and off this library. What is
>>your opinion?
>from debian jpgraph copyright file:
>For licensing reason only GPLed 1.5.2 is now packaged by Christian Bayle 
><bayle at debian.org>
>To be clear for those that would ask why I don't upload the new 1.16 QPLed 
>version. You can read on home page:
>"JpGraph is released under a dual license. QPL 1.0 (Qt Free Licensee) For 
>non-commercial, open-source and educational use and JpGraph Professional 
>License for commercial use."
>This is not compliant with DFSG #6 
>"The license must not restrict anyone from making use of the program in a 
>specific field of endeavor. For example, it may not restrict the program from 
>being used in a business, or from being used for genetic research."
>It was downloaded from:
>with this, we can agree that we fall under QPL license because "open-source" 
>term :
>"JpGraph is released under a dual license. QPL 1.0 (Qt Free Licensee) For 
>non-commercial, open-source and educational use and JpGraph Professional 
>License for commercial use."
>but there's also "non-commercial" term. We can see on jpgrah website:
>"if you plan on using JpGraph in a commercial context you will need to acquire 
>the professional license. Commercial use is for example if you use JpGraph on 
>a site to provide a service for paying customers or for example if you are 
>using JpGraph in an intranet to provide support for internal business 
>processes, i.e. in benefit for a commercial company. 
>In short, if you use JpGraph where you have an economic advantage (either 
>through paying customers or improving internal business processes) this most 
>likely falls under commercial use."
>with this statements, my interpretation is:
>we use jpgraph QPL licensed in vtigercrm, an open-source product. We don't 
>sell the product ("open-source" term related)but some people sell services 
>around it("non-commercial" term related). They use jpgraph in an "economic 
>advantage" and need professional license.
>This is just facts, from licenses informations that we have. Is it jpgraph 
>professional license legal ? is it QPL compatible ? i don't know.
>We seem to use jpgraph version 1.20.3. Do we need to use version 1.5.2, last 
>GPL version ? Remove jpgraph and provide alternative ?
We need to change to jgraph 1.5.2 and if the GPL version isn't being 
maintained we will need to find an alternative or maintain it ourselves.


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