[Vtigercrm-developers] automated tests update

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 17 12:01:00 PDT 2006

Gopal wrote:
> I am aware of that currently we are using AdventNet QEngine for
> automating some of the test cases. But I am not clear, how can our
> external developer community use this tool in their local environment.
> Do you have any plans to get some more licenses for the sake of vtiger
> developer community?

I'm glad to see regression tests on the agenda, but we don't need non-free
tools to get this done.

Selenium, which I've mentioned before, runs recorded tests in a browser,
giving the most/only realistic test environment for javascript, etc.

Selenium tests can be recorded by a firefox plugin, and the test source
can be checked into subversion like any other source. This is what we
should use, IMHO.


As far as running 'continuous integration testing'; some testing experts
have used buildbot and vmware/vnc integration to continuously and
automatically run unit and integration tests in a headless environment.




All this testing technology uses free software.

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