[Vtigercrm-developers] An Impassioned Plea from an VTiger Integrator

Sergio A. Kessler sergiokessler at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 15:37:23 PDT 2006


On 7/11/06, Dennis Grant <dgrant at accuratetechnologies.com> wrote:
> Ladies and Gentlemen,
> Our current installation is a heavily-modified (and I do mean HEAVILY)
> modified 4.3.2 installation. To be honest, I painted myself into a bit
> of a corner with the way I implemented our code changes, such that
> upgrading to newer versions is a formidable challenge.

this is a mistake many people do.
you have choosed to fork the project instead of trying to work with
the community.

and all this people end up in the same corner as you...  :-)

> 1) For the love of all that is holy, PLEASE COMMENT YOUR CODE!

I'm pretty sure that the vtiger developers will accept you code
comment patches...

your duty if that is what you really want...

> I don't want to get all programmer grammer nazi here, but I've been
> ripping my hair out by the roots for the last few hours, and it's all
> totally unnecessary.

keep posting patches to the trac please...
the people managing the 4.x branch have been very responsive and are
doing a good job...


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