[Vtigercrm-developers] Receiving data from outside sources

Sergio A. Kessler sergiokessler at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 06:53:55 PST 2006

dan, have you read the article ?

it doesn't mention "browser" anywhere...

sure, you can debug the REST interface with a browser (and that one of
the simplicity beauty of REST), but is NOT meant to be consumed by


On 2/27/06, Dan Means <dan.means at teamsrs.com> wrote:
>  It's important to remember -- we're not dealing with small quantities of
> data -- so while it might be nice to do a quick query via some sort of web
> interface, when you start moving thousands of rows at at time -- browser
> interfaces can't handle it reliably.
>  Sergio A. Kessler wrote:
>  On 2/27/06, Mike Fedyk <mfedyk at mikefedyk.com> wrote:
>  Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:
>  Mike Fedyk wrote:
>  There is a post on the forum asking how to add data to vtiger from an
> outside source. It's a good question and I'd like to know the answer
> too. Do we have something for this already?
> http://forums.vtiger.com/viewtopic.php?t=5065
>  This ties in with some things I've been thinking about in regards to our
> use of adodb-schema, .sql files, and sample data:
>  The focus of the question is how to get data in and out of vtiger using
> public interfaces from another automated system. I would like to renew
> that question. Is SOAP the only and/or best answer in this area?
> nop.
> SOAP is a complex beast that must die.
> you can use REST (web services done right).
> just like yahoo does with php:
> http://developer.yahoo.net/php/
> http://developer.yahoo.net/php/howto-reqRestPhp.html
> note that with "output" parameter you can control what you get, ie.
> CSV, XML, txt, whatever.
> /sak

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