[Vtigercrm-developers] Build a vTiger Bounty Team

Mike Fedyk mfedyk at mikefedyk.com
Sat Feb 25 09:37:43 PST 2006

Jamie Jackson wrote:

> I'd call it marketing a fund raising system for developers.  Right now,
>     Brian is the one interested in maintaining this portion of the
>     community
>     and wants a title.  So "Bounty Maintainer" seems fair.
> Hiya Mike,

Hi Jamie,

> I don't you to take this the wrong way, but on the surface it would 
> seem you are skectical<sp> of this bounty system?


I am for a bounty system.

> I am not sure why you would call it a fund raising system, although it 
> does put money in the developers pocket that steps up and helps us 
> non-programmers out with features our company needs.   I wouldn't call 
> it a fund raising system.  It just seems like a not so nice way of 
> naming it.

I don't think anything is wrong with a bounty system for vtiger.  What I 
am doing is replying to a fellow developer that feels something is 
happening behind closed doors.  If I brought up something like that and 
they didn't acknowledge it and give me a straight answer, I wouldn't 
believe them.

One part I am skeptical about is this "Bounty Team" thing.  One thing I 
have learned is not to count anything until you see it, and it doesn't 
align with the open source meritocracy (what I like to call an 
"effort"ocracy) concept where you put in the work before getting 

Maybe it's just a different management style, but I see it as marketing 
to get them to do what you want.  And I am inherently skeptical of 

> We all understand that several things are true:
> 1.  The Core vTiger group is busy with 5.0
> 2.  You are busy with maintaining 4.2x
> 3.  We non-programmers need features that aren't in the current system
> 4.  There are many people that would want the same features, so 
> sharing the costs of said features is a benefit.
> I believe a bounty system is a good thing, and a needed thing.  I am 
> sorry if I misunderstood your stance, but it just seemed on surface 
> that you didn't like this idea.
> Also, Brian didn't ask for a title for the sake of having one, I 
> believe he asked for the vTiger core group to get behind the idea of a 
> bounty system and let the community know they are supportive of the idea.

I think the core vtiger team has already endorsed the first steps in the 
bounty system by creating a bounty forum and replying positively in the 
above linked forum topic.

Also I think the request comes from a misunderstanding of the community 
process.  If there is a need you fill that need and titles come later.  
Nobody has full control of anything in the OSS community.  If I make a 
bad announcement or a bad commit I'll get called on it.

> Again, I am sorry if I misunderstood you, I just thought I would give 
> you my input.

Not a problem.  And it looks like this your first post to the 
developer's mailing list.



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