[Vtigercrm-developers] Receiving data from outside sources

Fathi BOUDRA fboudra at free.fr
Tue Feb 21 17:57:06 PST 2006

Le Mercredi 22 Février 2006 00:35, vous avez écrit :
> Hey Fathi,
> The message from Allan was not meant to be harsh or vengeful.  Sometimes
> native english speakers use the word "hate" very light heartedly.  This
> was one of those times.
> "Can't we all get along?"

np ;)

> Ok, here's what we should do in the short term.  We'll use the sql
> files, but once we have a solution to call adodb directly from the
> command line install process we'll use that.
>as we said we use sql file until we've got somethin working using adodb
> Now everyone vote on that solution.

as we said this morning (for me), we/i use sql file until we've got something 
working using adodb. all can be done before 4.2.4 release.

so commiters, allan, go on. please provide necessary code to do what is 
expected. we stop polemics and start constructive commits.

main idea is to update installation :
1) introduce install/config.template.php
2) step4 will be a simple search and replace code that parse the template and 
generate config.inc.php
3) config.php in root dir will be just an include file for config.inc.php
4) connection.php will be deprecated

for step5 issue :
sql file or adodb xml file that populate database.
can be called alone for packaging issue :
mysql file.sql
php file.php

idea here is "install and just works"

good night all
see you tomorrow

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