[Vtigercrm-developers] Why include a SQL file when we don't use it?
Allan Bush
allan.bush+vtiger_dev at gmail.com
Tue Feb 21 14:27:28 PST 2006
I don't understand half of what you just said but using the adodb xml
file for database creation is one of the only thing this project does
right, please continue to use it.
The adodb xml file it designed to be cross database compatible, the
only thing it depends on is adodb which is already a requirement,
using it will save you tons of "copy and paste" code "reuse" which
just leads to bugs.
On 2/20/06, Fathi Boudra <fboudra at free.fr> wrote:
> > http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/changeset/3833
> >
> > The database is created from the adodb XML file (right?)
> don't know not documented.
> > , why do we need a SQL file in the source code ?
> i'm changing installation. to add a better multi-platform / multi-operating
> system support for next installer / packaging issue. I want an "install and
> just work" like. And an unified one for :
> * vtigercrm
> * vtiger'n go
> * debian/ubuntu package
> * vtiger addon for xampp
> have you got a better way to inject database ?
> * php code need user intervention and break "install and just work" idea.
> * or a specific php code to inject data but for me it's like sql file
> * adodb xml file ? don't know it exists, how can inject db data with this ?
> software dependencies ?
> * how to resolve multi db support like mysql posqtgresql oracle mssql ?
> so i used a simple sql file and use sql-client as dependencie.
> > Sure we can be flexible, but we don't want to add any support headaches
> > (sql file not updated on new release for instance).
> yes, it's more flexible and it's just a file. There's no headaches support,
> just putting preliminary file for an easy way to install and update.
> i'll update it as needed for now until i'll automate it.
> looking initial subject : Why include a SQL file when we don't use it ?
> i want to ask why include a bin directory when we don't use it ?
> cheers,
> Fathi
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