[Vtigercrm-developers] Why include a SQL file when we don't use it?
Fathi Boudra
fboudra at free.fr
Mon Feb 20 23:48:14 PST 2006
> http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/changeset/3833
> The database is created from the adodb XML file (right?)
don't know not documented.
> , why do we need a SQL file in the source code ?
i'm changing installation. to add a better multi-platform / multi-operating
system support for next installer / packaging issue. I want an "install and
just work" like. And an unified one for :
* vtigercrm
* vtiger'n go
* debian/ubuntu package
* vtiger addon for xampp
have you got a better way to inject database ?
* php code need user intervention and break "install and just work" idea.
* or a specific php code to inject data but for me it's like sql file
* adodb xml file ? don't know it exists, how can inject db data with this ?
software dependencies ?
* how to resolve multi db support like mysql posqtgresql oracle mssql ?
so i used a simple sql file and use sql-client as dependencie.
> Sure we can be flexible, but we don't want to add any support headaches
> (sql file not updated on new release for instance).
yes, it's more flexible and it's just a file. There's no headaches support,
just putting preliminary file for an easy way to install and update.
i'll update it as needed for now until i'll automate it.
looking initial subject : Why include a SQL file when we don't use it ?
i want to ask why include a bin directory when we don't use it ?
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