[Vtigercrm-developers] Trees in SVN (Was: SVN access)

Brian Devendorf developer at infointegrated.com
Thu Feb 16 05:47:20 PST 2006

Thanks. Not sure what I was doing wrong before, I had typed in that  
string with no luck, but copy paste seemed to do the trick. Must have  
been a typo.

I am having a problem checking out the trunk. I am getting an error  
in svn, and I think the problem is a duplicate file in:

browser.css and Browser.css both exist, and this may be causing  
issues for my svn client. I am running svn v1.3 on OS X. I would  
guess that only one of them should be there, and only one is actually  
being used on linux servers (and one probably overwritten on  
windows). The one with the uppercase B looks to be older.


On Feb 16, 2006, at 4:29 AM, Matthew Brichacek wrote:

> I don't think you're trac account has any SVN permissions so check-ins
> won't work but check outs should be pretty straight forward.  You  
> won't
> need any authentication information to check-out of the repo, just  
> copy
> and paste the commands from below and you should be good.
> Matt
> On Wed, 2006-02-15 at 23:06 -0600, Brian Devendorf wrote:
>> I was attempting to check out latest branch & trunk builds. It seems
>> the paths below are accurate, however I cannot access them with my
>> trax account. Am I missing something (like permissions)? I didn't
>> think any special privs would (or should) be necessary for checkouts.
>> Thanks,
>> Brian
>> On Feb 4, 2006, at 9:17 AM, Jeff Kowalczyk wrote:
>>> (sorry, this reply is going to arrive out of thread)
>>> Mike Fedyk wrote:
>>>> Then what does www.vtigerforge.com do then?
>>>> devel.vtigerforge.com should be for the trees currently in
>>>> development.
>>>> Not the current stable release.
>>> Just wanted to see if this was a commonly held expectation...
>>> Development on vtigercrm/trunk, Maintenance on vtigercrm/branches/ 
>>> 4.2
>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
>>> -
>>> I thought the subversion repository and trac instance (whatever its
>>> final
>>> domain name and physical host) is intended to be used for all
>>> vtiger-branded
>>> development. This means any bits that vtiger-the-company will put
>>> their name on
>>> and release.
>>> I include stable, maintenance and pre- releases in that category,
>>> and they'll
>>> all be found under vtigercrm/tags, starting with accurate
>>> recreations of
>>> vtigercrm-4.2.3 and vtigercrm-5.0.0-alpha1 tags.
>>> The branching and merging features of subversion are intended to be
>>> used within
>>> a single repository. If maintenance branches and development trunk
>>> weren't in
>>> the same repository, there wouldn't be much point in the exercise.
>>> It would be
>>> a significant step back from where we were with CVS, actually.
>>> Excerpted from "Getting svn checkouts, making commits"
>>> 5.0 development is happening on the trunk:
>>>  svn co http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/trunk
>>> vtigercrm
>>> 4.2.x maintenance is happening on a branch:
>>>  svn co http://vtiger.fosslabs.com/svn/vtiger/vtigercrm/branches/
>>> 4.2 vtigercrm
>>> Forge in separate repository
>>> ----------------------------
>>> A second subversion repository would be made available on the same
>>> host for
>>> third-party projects related to vtiger. This can have looser
>>> requirements for
>>> getting commit access, etc. Since trac is single-project-oriented,
>>> it is likely
>>> that the (gforge) software will be better suited for the web-UI to
>>> that
>>> repository.
>>> Authenticated access == Go live date
>>> ------------------------------------
>>> I think that's where we're headed, right? When svn+ssh or https
>>> authenticated
>>> access is opened, I presume the recent trunk checkins will be
>>> manually replayed
>>> into this repository by the core devs, and then sourceforge CVS
>>> just goes dark,
>>> as a matter of policy.
>>> BTW, svn repositories can be moved to other machines easily (svn
>>> dump, svn load).
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