[Vtigercrm-developers] FOSS projects for bounty system?

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 5 13:32:58 PST 2006

--- Matthew Brichacek <mmbrich at fosslabs.com> wrote:
> Nada on freshmeat or sf.net.  Maybe we should write one :).

I was surpised when my search came up empty, too. Maybe a trac ticket marked
with a certain component could function as a bounty post?

http://fundable.org comes to mind as a possiblity. 5% is about my upper limit
for acceptable fee-load on an open-source funding mechanism. For the 5%,
fundable .org seems to offer some thoughtful features for transacting group

"...How much does Fundable cost?

Starting a group action or making a pledge is completely FREE.

EFFECTIVE JANUARY 5, 2006: Completed group actions (and only completed group
actions) have a 5% fee taken from their totals. (This does not apply to group
actions created before January 5, 2006. Click here to read about fees for these
older group actions).

Remember, there is no cost to set up a group action and no one pays anything if
a group action expires."""

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