[Vtigercrm-developers] 'Data Concurrency' meta-topic

Jeff Kowalczyk jtk at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 4 05:59:14 PST 2006

The following articles may help us develop a common vocabulary and background
on recordset-aware updating. When searching, it seems that 'Data Concurrency'
is a commonly used term for 'data overwriting issue'.

When I worked with ADO.net a few years ago, it seemed to be correct behaviour
(i.e. no surprises) with regards to updates. ADO.net has a mini (non-sql)
relational database for its recordset model, php-adodb is obviously not quite
that rich.

I suspect we'll need to use php adodb's features to avoid writing of unchanged
fields from user form submits everywhere in vtiger. For changed fields in a
given recordset update, the developers will have a choice of 'last update
wins', or 'display conflicts and refresh recordset original rows, so next
submit can succeed'. Either one may be appropriate for some types of data
editing forms. Deploying/configuring administrators shouldn't have a choice,
its an application-level design decision.

Handling Data Concurrency Using ADO.NET

Update Data using Windows Form and .NET Data Sets

The DataSet Grows Up in ADO.NET 2.0
(section heading) "Batched Updates from a DataSet or DataTable"

I have no idea how well adodb smart update has been used across the current
codebase at present, but any occurrences of the blind update misfeature
basically reduce us to a single-user app. If you have appointments with
customer X on a given day, you are more likely to have multiple persons editing
related records, so the chance of overwriting data without warning is way above random.

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