[Vtigercrm-developers] SVN access

Matthew Brichacek mmbrich at fosslabs.com
Thu Feb 2 23:04:54 PST 2006

I am working on the annonymous svn access and your new user account.
I'll reply off-list with your account details.


On Thu, 2006-02-02 at 22:56 -0800, Allan Bush wrote:
> Nice work with the trac/svn stuff, this look very exciting.
> Now we just have to get the core developers to stop checking stuff into CVS.
> The most exciting part is I hope now we'll be able to take advantage
> of all the people working on different fixes and features.  I can't
> count the number of times I've sent bug fixes to core developers only
> to have them not check them into CVS and not give me any feedback on
> why the changes were rejected (even in cases like 2 weeks ago when I
> was asked to help reduce query load on permission checks, I got
> thanked for the patch after 1 week but it still hasn't been checked
> in).  I mean what's the point for making me a "developer" if you're
> not going to use any of my code?  Hopefully that's all behind us now.
> To get to my point, I noticed that my CVS branch was ported into SVN
> along with a handful of bug fixes (which were never merged into the
> main CVS lines, surprise surprise).   I was thinking now that we're
> back on track I could merge these changes into the 4.2.4 branch (is it
> still called a branch is SVN?).  Anyways I may be getting ahead of
> things here, but what's the URI to checkout the source?
> Once again a big thanks to everyone involved in getting this project
> back on track.
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