[Vtigercrm-developers] Is 4.x a mature version or?

Per Jessen per at computer.org
Thu Feb 2 01:31:55 PST 2006


I'm currently trying to chose CRM software and decide whether to 

1) go with vtiger or
2) opt for a commercial, mature product or
3) roll our own until it grows too big

I would much prefer to avoid 3) altogether, but that's purely a
cost-issue if 2) turns out to be too much - and 2) is only an option if
we decide we can't risk it with 1). 

Judging by the state of the bug-database, the response (or lack thereof)
to one of two of my reported bugs, some of the confusion as to which
mailinglist to use, plus recent postings here, I hesitate to call 4.x a
mature release, although a 4.x version number would appear to indicate
just that. 

Obviously, I'm more than a little worried about the current state of
vtiger.  I run a service business based 99% on OSS, and we're fairly
dedicated to sticking to that.  
It's still a little open if vtiger will fit our requirements - e.g. we
need multiple currencies and multiple VAT rates, but my initial
assumption was that we'd be able to develop features locally, with the
aim to produce patches for inclusion into the core at a later date. 
However, in order for that to work in a reasonable way, the development
processes and the product itself must be somewhat mature.  
I was quite disappointed when vtiger didn't even run properly after I'd
completed the installation.  This turned out to be down to bug# 1013. 

I believe vtiger has great potential, but as Matthew Brichacek wrote,
the project is an absolute mess and I too think a fork is highly

Well, thanks for listening to my ramblings - just needed to gather my
thoughts and vent a little.  

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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